Asepsis is the stat of being free from
disease-causing contaminants (such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites)
or, preventing contract with micro-organisms. The term asepsis often refers to those practices
used to promote or induce asepsis in an operative field in surgery or medicine
to prevent infection.
Ideally ,a surgical field is “ sterile” meaning it is free of all
biological contaminants, not just those that can cause disease, putrefaction,
or fermentation ,but that is a situation
that is difficult to attain, especially given the patient is often a
source of infections agents.
However ,elimination of infection is the
goal of asepsis, not sterility.
According to Ayliff et
al.(2000)suggest that there are two types of asepsis.
asepsis: Medical or clean asepsis reduces the
number of organisms and prevents their spread ;medical
asepsis(Clean technique )
All practices
that reduce the dumber, growth, transfer and
spread of pathogenic micro organisms.
They include hand washing, bathing cleaning
environment ,gloving ,gowning ,earing mask, hair and hoe cover ,disinfecting
articles and use of antiseptics.
Asepsis :
Surgical or sterile asepsis includes procedures to
eliminate micro –organism from an area and is practiced by surgical
technologists and nurses in operating theatres and treatment areas.
asepsis(sterile technique ); practice that keep an area or objects free from
all micro-organism non pathogenic and pathogenic including spores and viruses.
Precaution ,Barrier Nursing :
: isolation is the implementation of
isolating precautions designed to prevent transmission of micro-organism by
common routes in hospitals. Because agent and host factors are difficult to
control, interruption of transfer of micro –organism is directed primarily at
Definition :
Isolation refers
to the precautions that are taken in the
hospital to prevent the spread of colonized patient to susceptible persons.
nursing prevent the spread of infection among patients,
It is termed source
isolation because the patient is the source of infection .
By implementing
precaution to prevent the speed of
These include hand
washing, wearing gloves, wearing protective clothing disposal of linen and
clinic waste, decontamination of equipment, and patient placement.
The principle of
isolation nursing is to isolate the micro –organism not the patient.
Source isolation
procedures are the outcome of a risk assessment ,which includes the source of
infection, route of transmission and susceptibility of others.
Infected or colonized
patients, carriers and people incubating
a disease may all as act as a source of infection.
The susceptibility of
patients varies and will change throughout their stay in hospital .such factor include: age ,physical and
psychological well-being, nutrition ,invasive devices and medications.
Isolation practices
have evolved over the years. Change have been based on new epidemiological
Emergency of new or
drug resistant organisms, and the need o protect patients and hospital
personnel. The hospital personnel. The hospital infection control practices
advises the need to update and revise guidelines and policies related to
prevention of hospital acquired infections.
Present Guidelines Distinguish Two Types of
Isolation precautions:
1. Standard
precautions: which
synthesize major features of earlier practice of universal precautions and
isolation of moist body substances.
2. Transmission –based precaution
: Based on routes of transmission,
designed to be used together with the standard precautions, divided into the
three subgroup of airborne, droplet and identified for disorders associated
with a high index of suspicion for infection.
–based precaution are :
Air borne
precautions: Are used for clients known
to have or suspected of having serious illness transmitted by airborne droplet
nuclei smaller than 5 microns
E.g., varicella, tuberculosis, measles.
precautions : Are used for clients known or suspected to have serious illness
transmitted than 5 microns
E.g., Diphtheria(pharyngeal ,mumps, pneumonia etc.,
precautions: Are used for client know or
suspected to have serious illness easily transmitted by direct contact or by
contact with item in the client’s environment.
principles of patient care :
In addition to the
specific measures taken to prevent the spread of certain types of infectious
There are general
principals that are basic to the care of any patient who is a source of
infection to other or likely to become infected by coming in contact with
Factors most important
in preventing spread of infection are proper disinfection techniques and
conscientious hand washing.
The hand are used for
many tasks in patient care and are therefore likely to be an excellent source
of infection if they are not washed properly before and after each contact with
the patient or with contaminated articles.
Protective isolation
(reverse isolation ) a formerly common type of isolation designed to prevent
contract between potentially pathogenic micro –organism and persons with
seriously impaired resistance.
Social isolation a
nursing diagnosis approved by the north American nursing diagnosis association defined
as alone experienced by an individual as a negative or threatening state.
Contributing factors
are many and varied and include delay in accomplishing developmental tasks,
alterations in physical appearance or mental status, social behaviour or social
values that are not accepted, inadequate personal resources, and inability to
engage in satisfying personal relationships.