Barrier Nursing


Barrier Nursing :

  Barrier nursing is a set of stringent infection control techniques used in nursing.


·         The aim of barrier nursing is to protect medical staff against  infection by patients, particularly those with highly infectious diseases.

·         In barrier nursing special nursing procedure which reduce the rises of person to person transmission, especially by direct contact or by fomites.

·         These are a number of isolation techniques and precautions used  for prevent the spread of infection.

·         It is indicated in situations her the pathogens are spread on droplets from the respiratory trace.

·         In this type mask are generally worn by the nurse.

·         Gowns are also worn.

·         Restrict the number of visitors.

·         When attending to client with  respiratory  infection ,the nurse should keep a distance to prevent the droplet infection and to prevent breathing contaminated air.

·         Thorough hand-washing should be emphasized both by clients and nurses.

·         Therefore any equipment that comes in contact with the client should b carefully disinfected before touching another object or person.

         Reverse barrier nursing  is similar but concentrates on the reverse protecting vulnerable patents, such as those with weakened immune systems, against infection by medical staff.

1.      Hand washing :Simple, Hand Asepsis, surgical Asepsis (scrub):

      The infection can be transferred from person to person through contaminated hand.

·         Careful washing of the hands reduces the number of bacteria.

·         Hand washing involves both mechanical and chemical action.

Simple Hand Washing :

    It is the act of washing hands, with soap and water under running water and friction used in cleaning are the mechanical action of cleaning .the soap will emulsion the fat and the  lower the surface tension of water facilitates the removal of micro-organisms.

The points to be kept in mind while washing hands :

1.      Cut short nails. Along  nail will give roof of the dirt and micro –organisms.

2.      Remove the tap and wet hand and  fore arm.

3.      Open the tap jewellery of any type.


4.      Always hold the hands below the elbow level, because hands are considered to be more contaminated than elbows. 

5.      Hence the water should   flow from the area of least contamination (the elbows )to the area of more contamination (the hands).

6.      Apply soap or detergent .rinse the soap before it is returned to the container .

7.      Wash hands thoroughly ,make sure that the inter-digital spaces are well cleaned by washing each finger separately. Use brush to dislodge the dirt from under the nail beds.

8.      Rinse hands by keeping the hands well below the elbow level. Water flows from elbow to hands. 

9.      Repeat the procedure to ensure thorough cleanliness.

10.  Dry the arms and hands, starting at the elbows and hands, discard the towel.


Turn off the water tap using a paper towel, because handle is contaminated .while washing ,if the hands touch the skin, or other objects accidently ,the whole procedure need to be repeated.


Equipment  :

·         Antimicrobial soap

·         Paper towel

·         Sink with running water

·         Alcohol-based hand rubs



                          Simple Hand Washing


Steps of procedure



Turn the faucet  so that warm water

Warm water leaves more protective kin oils in place than hot water.


Wet the hands, and lower arms under running water while holding the hands lower  than the elbows.

This positions helps microbes run off the hands rather than up .


Using soap, thoroughly rub all surfaces of the hands, including palm, back of the hands &wrists.

Covering all aspects of the hands kill transient bacteria, ensures complete microbial action


Pay special attention to cleansing the following areas that can concentrate microorganism, between the fingers, at creases and under the nails.soend15 to 30seconds per forming hand hygiene.



Rinse the hands with running water.

It helps to remove the soap.


Dry the hands thoroughly with a paper towel.


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