It is the administration of liquid medicine into the ear canal . medicine instilled into the ear is absorbed through the skin of the ear canal and membranes of the eardrum .
To treat
wax build up .
* To relieve
pain .
* To
produce local anesthesia and
* To treat
inflammations or infections of the car.
required :-
*A medication bottle and
a dropper .
* medication
order shut .
* A cotton
ball and wash cloth .
* A kidney
tray and a paper bag .
Points of remember :-
*Do not place the medicine
dropper tip or cotton swabs and
directly into the car .canal to
prevent trauma to the skin of the
ear canal .
* Do not
touch the tip of medicine dropper to
prevent contamination .
* stop using
the medicine and contact the physician ,
it the PT experience pain from eardrops .
Preparation :-
*wash hands ,
before administering ear drops .
* check the
medication level each time to avoid medication errors . Be sure it is the right time , right person and right method .
* Look at
the expiration date on the label .
* Worm the eardrops
to body temperature by rolling
the bottle in the hands for several
minutes before the instillation .
1. Explain
procedure to the patient.
2. To instill, let the PT Lie on his or her Side with the affected ear up .
3. Gently pull the lobe of the ear up and Back
to open the ear canal to straighten
The ear canal.
4. Hold
the medicine dropper 1cm (1/2) s
Above the entrance to the ear camel and squeeze Out
the correct number of drops .
5.Release the car ask the PT remain in some Position for three to five minutes to allow
absorption Of the eardrops .
6 .Wipe of residual medicine that may drip out of
the Ear with the cotton or wash
7. It required , A small clean cotton ball may be
placed into he outer portion of the ear
canal to absorb excessive medicine
soiled cotton balls in a bag
9.Wipe the tip of the ear dropper with a clean tissue
and recap Bottle.
10.Wash hands after
completing the procedure .
11. Records
drug , concentration , number of drops , time of Administration and ear into which