DECUBITUS ULCER / PRESSURE/ BEDSORE-Decubitus ulcer also knows as pressure sores.



Decubitus ulcer also
  knows as pressure sores or decubitus are venerated or sloughed areas of tissue  subjected to pressure  from lying on mattress or sitting  on a  chair for a prolonged period of time resulting in the slowing of circulation and finally  death ( NECROSIS ) of tissues.

 Pressure :- pressure is  considered  to be  primary cause  of the  pressure  sore, any  condition

1.      When there is  lumps  and  creases  other  bed

2.      Incorrect positioning of the  body .

3.      Infrequent change  of position .

 Friction  :- Friction  of the skin  with  a rough or based  substance can  cause tissue damage

Moisture :- The skin contact  with moisture for a period of time  can lead to maturation  of the  skin .

Presence  of pathogenic organism :-Lack  of cleanliness harbours pathogenic  organisms and injection settles  on the skin .

Predisposing  causes:- Impaired circulation lowered vitality Emaciation oedema . obesity

Treatment  of the Decubitus ulcer:-The following  steps are taken by the nurse:-

1.      Report to the sister in –charge and physician the early symptoms of a bedsore so that steps may be taken as early as possible to prevent further damage .

2.      When ever possible , take  of  the  pressure from the decubitus ulcer by placing the client on pillows or foam cushions or change the position of the client . ( prevent the development ) of a pressure sore in the new area.)

3.      Prevent the  ulcerated from becoming  infected. Infection will retard heaving of an ulcer. Follow strict aseptic technique.

4.      A cleaning agent is used to clean the ulcerated area e.g. normal saline .

5.      Apply  till the possible measures for the healing of the wound .

-          Heat  is applied by an electric bulb (100  watt ). This  is placed  from 45 to 60 cm away from the wound and is left in place for 10 min .

-          Application of a few drops of insulin dropped from a syringe has a healing effect on the wound . The wound is then exposed to air to dry .

-          Filling  the  ulcer cavity with granulated sugar  , A and  D ointment etc . assist the ulcer  to heal .

6.      Application of water proof ointment  e.g. zinc oxide on the surface  of the wound will prevent infection of the underlying tissues  . It  will be of much value in clients with incontinence of urine.

7.      If  slough  is present , clean the  area thoroughly twice a day with hydrogen peroxide diluted with  distilled water . if the slough is lose , the physician may cut off the slough . If there is delay in healing of the wound , the surgeon may debride the ulcer and skin graft may be applied over the ulcerated site.

8.      If infection  is settled  , If may be necessary to give  some of antibodies prescribed by the physician.

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