FIRST AID  IN   EMERGENCIES


1.      ASPHYXIA :-

Definition :-  Asphyxia  or  asphyxiation ( from ancient –“ without” and  asphyxias , “squeeze “ (throb of heart ) is a  condition of severely deficient supply of oxygen to the  body that a arises from abnormal  breathing .

*An  example of asphyxia is chocking . Asphyxia causes generalized hypoxia , which affects primarily  the tissues and organs . There are many circumstances that can  induce asphyxia , all of which are characterized by an inability of an individual to acquire sufficient oxygen through breathing for an extended for period of time . Asphyxia can  cause coma or death .

Cause :-

*   situations  that can cause  asphyxia include but  are  not limited to the  constriction or abstraction  of airways.

* Such as from asthma , laryngospasm , or simple blockage from the presence of foreign materials.

 * From  being  in  environments Where oxygen is not readily accessible .

*.Such as underwater  ,In a low oxygen atmosphere ,or in a vacuum. 

*  Environment  where sufficiently  oxygenated breathed because  of air  contamination such as excessive , smoke .

There cause  of oxygen  deficiency include but are not  limited  to:-

*Acute respiratory  distress syndrome 

* carbon monoxide inhalation , such as that from a car exhaust and the smoke ‘s  emission from a lighted cigarette; carbon monoxide has higher affinity they oxygen to the hemoglobin in the blood’s red  blood corpuscles, bonding with it tenaciously and  in the process , displacing oxygen and preventing the blood from transporting oxygen around the body .

* Contact with certain chemicals , includes pulmonary agents ( such as hydrogen cyanide).

* Drowning   

*   Drug  overdose .

* Exposure to extreme low pressure or vacuum to the pattern , hanging specifically suspension or short drop hanging 

* Self – induced hypocapnia by hyperventilation , as in shallow  water or deep blackout  and the choking game 

* control  alveolar hypo ventilation syndrome , or primary alveolar hypoventilation ,a disorder of the automatic nervous  system in which a patient must consciously breath ; although it is often said that person with this disease will die if they fall asleep  , this is not usually the case.

* Respiratory  distress  

*  sleep  apnea 

*  strangling  

* A seizure which  stops breathing activity


* Asphyxia implies an  inadequate delivery of oxygen to the brain .this low oxygen level may be detected  with blood gas tests on either the baby’s blood or that of the umbilical cord , Also  , when the blood  has been low in oxygen  for some  time , it begins to show other abnormal signs.

* For example , the  blood  will become acidic which can also be detected with blood tests.

*The effect of asphyxia generally depends on how long the baby has not had enough oxygen.

* Treatment  for asphyxia  consists  of strategies  to improve oxygen delivery within the body

* usually this means delivering oxygen rather than air to the  baby . often  with  mechanical  ventilation * Additionally , blood circulation is monitored and when necessary , improved by giving extra fluids , blood or drugs to support heart  function and blood pressure .

* A balance must be maintained  . If blood pressure is  too high , there  is a risk of bleeding  in the brain

* If  severe , asphyxia  will also affect will be monitored with special attention to the kidneys  , liver and  heart .

* Asphyxia is most commonly seen in the newborn  baby immediately following birth and  it is  generally  only severe cases that will  cause death or song  term disability . 

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