Child Health Nursing syllabus , IIIrd year GNM






Placement- SECOND YEAR                                                           Time – 70 hour


Course Description:-

This course is designed to help students develop and understanding of the concept of child health, the trends in child care and the health problems of children. This shall enable the students to meet the needs of the children, in health and sickness.


General Objective:-

Upon completion of this course, the students shall able to:

1.  Explain the concept of child health, the principles underlying child care trends in pediatric nursing.

2.  Describe normal growth and development of children, so as to recognize deviations for normal health and care of healthy children

3.  Demonstration skill in meeting the needs of the sick infants and children based on the IMNCI guidelines of GoI

Unit - I .


a)  Modern concept in child health care

b)  Trends in pediatric nursing

c)  Role of pediatric nurses in child care

d)  Emerging challenges, nursing process related to pediatric nursing

e)  Concept of preventive pediatric

f)   Vital statistics related to pediatrics as per the NRHS and GoI

Unit - II

   Growth & Development

a)      Definition, principles, factors affecting growth & development, techniques of assessment, plotting of growth chart

b)     Infant:

Growth & Development, health promotion, breast feeding &weaning, immunization, infant and young child feeding

c)      Toddler :

Growth & Development, nutrition counselling, toilet training, safety, prevention of accidents, play.

d)     Preschoolers

Growth & development Daycare centers Role of Parents in sex education

e)      School ager

Growth & development, rest, sleep, physical exercises & activity, dental health, sex education

f)       Adolescent

-                Growth &development, adaptation to puberty, menstrual hygiene, nutritional guidance, sex education,

-                Role of Parents in health promotion of adolescents

-                Control of iron deficiency

anemia (WIFS guidelines)


Unit  -III

  The sick child

a)  Child’s reaction to hospital

b)  Effect of hospitalization on the family of the child

c)  Role of nurse in helping child & family in coping, with stress of hospitalization & illness

Pediatric procedures:

a)  Preparation of child for diagnostic tests, collection of specimens.

b)  Calculation & Administration of oral & parenteral medication

c)  Procedures related to feeding

- Katori & Spoon

 Ryle’s tube & gastrostomy

d)  Procedures relating to elimination

- Enema

- Colostomy irrigation

e)  Administration & analysis of oxygen concentration, steam inhalation, nebulization,

f)  Other procedures:

- Pediatric Resuscitation

Surgical dressing

Unit IV

    Disorders and health problems of a child

a) Infancy :

-        Failure to thrive

-        Diarrhea & Vomiting

b) Childhood

-        Communicable diseases

-        Tonsillitis

-        Otitis media

-        Child abuse

-        Breath holding spasms

-        Enuresis, nail biting, thumb sucking, somnambulism

-        Protein Energy Malnutrition

-        Helminthic infections

-        Bites and stings

-        Pica

-        Tics

c)           Adolescent

-        Precocious puberty

-        Gynecomastia

-        Accident, sport injuries

-        Obesity & anorexia nervosa

-        Juvenile delinquency



Unit V

           Child with congenital disorders:

Etiology, signs and symptoms, diagnosis, complications and medical, surgical & nursing management of children with:

-                 Malformations of CNS, cranial deformities, spina bifida, hydrocephalus, cerebral palsy, meningocoele.

Skeletal defects, cleft lip & cleft palate


-        Gastro intestinal tract defects, fistula, anorectal malformations, hernia

-        Congenital hypertrophied pyloric stenosis

-        Defects of Genito-urinary Tract

–hypospadiasis & epispadiasis, extrophy of bladder,

phimosis & paraphimosis, cryptorchidism, polycystic kidney

-        Sexual abnormalities, ambiguous genitalia

-        Defects of cardio vascular system, cyanotic and acyanotic- TOF (Tetralogy of Fallouts), TGV (Transposition of Great Vessels), TAPVC, ASD, VSD, Coactation of aorta, PDA

-        Orthopedic abnormalities - congenital talipusequinovarus, congenital dislocation of hips

-        Chromosomal abnormalities

-        Down’s syndrome, Turner’s syndrome.


Unit – VI


   Children with various disorders and diseases

Etiology, signs and symptoms, complications, prevention, medical, surgical &nursing management of :

a)  Renal System

-        Nephrotic Syndrome

-        Acute Glomerulonephritis

-        ARF & CRF

b)    Resp. System

-        URI and LRI

-        Asthma, Pneumonia

c)  GI System

-        Intestinal obstruction (Mechanical)

-        Hirschsprung’s disease

-        Malabsorption Syndrome

-        Inflammatory conditions

-         appendicitis, Meckel’s divertculum, ulcerative colitis.

-        Worm infestation.

d)  CVS System

-        Rheumatic fever

-        CCF

-        Infective endocarditis

e)  Hematological System

-        Anemia

-        Leukemia,

-        Thalassemia

-        Hemophilia

-        Sickle cell anemia

-        Thrombocytopenic purpura

f)   Neurological System

-        Meningitis

-        Encephalitis

-        Convulsive disorders

-        Cranio-cerebral trauma

g)  Endocrine

-        Pituitary disorders

-        Hypo & Hyperthyroidism

-        Juvenile Diabetes

-        Adrenal disorders

h)  Developmental problem

-        Handicapped children

-        Mental Retardation

-        Dyslexia

-        Hearing & Vision impairment

i)    Others:

-        Fluid and electrolyte imbalance

-        Burns

j)   Problems with locomotion:

-        Poliomyelitis

-        Osteomyelitis

-        Kyphosis, lordosis, scoliosis

-        Fractures

k)  Pre and post operative care of children undergoing surgery.



Unit VII


 Child welfare services

a)          Child welfare services and agencies:

-        ICDS

-        Mid-day meal program

-        Balwadi, anganwadi

-        Day care centers

-        NPSP

b)          Law pertaining to Pediatrics:

-        National child labour policy

-        Child act.

-        Juvenile justice act

-        Internationally accepted rights of the child

-        Rehabilitation of delinquent & destitute children

-        Adoption laws and services

-        Adolescent health programs

– menstrual hygiene, WIFS program, adolescent safety program



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