Mental Health Nursing gnm 2nd year syllabus as per indian nursing council

MENTAL HEALTH NURSING ,     IInd year GNM syllabus , Theory .   

Total hours : 70


Unit I  


a)          Concept of mental health and mental illness

b)          Misconceptions related to mental illness

c)           Principles of Mental Health nursing

d)          Definition of terms used in psychiatry

e)           Review of defense mechanisms

f)              Mental Health Team

Unit II

History of Psychiatry

a)          History of Psychiatric Nursing - India and at international level

b)          Trends in Psychiatric Nursing

c)           National mental health programme

Unit III

 Mental Health Assessment

a)          Psychiatry history taking

b)          Mental status examination

c)           Interview technique

Unit IV

Therapeutic nurse-patient relationship:

a)          Therapeutic nurse patient relationship:

Definition, components and phases,


b)          Communication skills Definition elements, types, factors influencing communication, barriers (therapeutic impasse)

Unit V

Mental Disorders and Nursing Interventions

a)          Psycho-Pathophysiology of human behavior

b)          Etiological theories (genetics, biochemical, psychological etc)

c)           Classification of mental disorders.

d)          Disorders of thought, motor activity, perception, mood, speech, memory, concentration, judgment

e)           Prevalence, etiology, signs and symptoms, prognosis, medical and Nursing management

f)            Personality & types of personality related to psychiatric disorder

g)           Organic mental disorders: Delirium,


f)     Psychotic disorders:

-        Schizophrenic disorders

-        Mood (affective) disorders: Mania depression, Bipolar affective disorders(BPAD)

h)    Neurotic disorders: Phobia, anxiety disorders,obsessive compulsive disorders, depressive neurosis, conversion disorders, dissociative reaction, psychosomatic disorders, post traumatic stress disorder

i)      Substance use and de-addiction: alcohol, tobacco and other psychoactive substance

j)      Child and adolescent psychiatric disorder;

-        Sleep disorder

-        Eating disorders

-        Sexual disorders

 K) Nursing Management: Nursing process and process recording in caring for patients with various psychiatric disorders

Unit VI

Bio – Psycho & Social Therapies

a)              Psychopharmacology – Definition, classification of drugs antipsychotic, Antidepressant, antimanic, antian xiety agents, anti parkinsons

b)             Psychosocial therapies – individual therapies, group therapy, behavior therapy, occupational therapy, family therapy, melieu therapy

c)              Role of nurse in these therapies.

d)             Somatic therapy – Electro Convulsive Therapy, insulin therapy,

e)              Role of nurse in these therapies.

Unit VII

 Community Mental Health

a)          Concept, importance, scope

b)          Attitudes , Stigma and discrimination related to the mentally ill

c)           Prevention of mental illness(Preventive Psychiatry) during childhood, adolescent, adult hood and old age.

d)          Community Mental Health Services.

e)           Role of Nurse in national mental health programme and Psychiatric care in Community


Psychiatric Emergencies and Crisis Intervention

a)          Types of Psychiatric emergencies: Over Active, under active patient, Violent behaviour,

b)          Suicide, adverse drug reactions, withdrawal symptoms, Acute psychosis etc

c)           Crisis and its intervention: AIDS,

d)          Adolescent Crisis

Unit IX

Forensic Psychiatry / Legal Aspects

a)          India Lunatic Act 1912

b)          Narcotic Drugs and psychotropic Act 1965, 1985

c)           Mental Health Act 1987, 2014

d)          Admission and discharge procedures

e)           Standards of psychiatric nursing practice.

f)            Rights of Mentally ill patients

g)           Legal responsibilities in the care of mentally ill patients.

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