What is Gas gangrene- Pathogenesis and sources-Mode of transmission-Types of gangrene.


Gas gangrene :

Gangrene is the anaerobic wound infection in which invasion of clostridium Perfringens into muscles and tissues resulting myo necrosis with accumulation of seros anginous exudates and gases occurs.


Sources :

·         Road dust

·         Contaminated soil

·         Contaminated cloth

·         Infected person

·         Bits of clothing

Mode of transmission :

Road accident – Due to road accident organism may be penetrated into skin through minor trauma.

Crushing of large muscle masses-  it enables the bacilli to be multiplied in injured site.

Surgical operation :  improper handling procedure may lead to infection. 

Unhygienic practice : when the person comes in contact with dirty soil, infection may be resulted.

Endogenous : usually this organism is the normal be developed in immuno compromised persons.

Gas gangrene pathogenesis :

·         It is otherwise termed as anaerobic myositis.

·         It is sever and lethal infection.

·         It is associated with invasion of organism into healthy muscles and abundant formation of exotoxin.

·         It may develop if condition is favourable.

·         Organism may be penetrated through cut or abrasion.

·         Once it is penetrated which utilize the nutrients from the localized site.

·         The crushing of tissues resulted and multiplication of organism occurs.

·         However  favourable conditions of low oxygen tension resulted due to interruption of blood supply and aerobic bacteria that use up more and more oxygen.

·         This intiate to germinate the spore thereby rapid vegetative growth will be resulted in dead tissues.

·         Exotoxin are relased especially , alpha toxin plays a major role.

·         Exotoxin degrade tissue and some ground materials.

·         Hyaluronic acid in tissues is degraded by hyaluronidase  enzyme.

·         Injured necrotic tissues with accumulation of toxin and gas is the characterstics features of gangrene.

·         Hyaluronidase degrade tissue and release gas due to fermentation.

·         Gas is fowl smelling results in pulpution .

·         Tissue necrosis gas accumulation combining together to form as gangerene.

·         Horribly damage and enters in blood affect other tissue.

Types of gangrene:

1.       Moist gangrene

2.       Dry gangrene.

Moist gangrene :

It develops due to sudden stoppage of blood .

It may be resulted from burning by heat or acid.

Severe freezing and physical accident plays a vital role in causing this type of gangrene.

It is characterized by the presence of gangrene with swollen often blistered.

In this gangrene , toxin may be formed and spread in affected area.


Dry gangrene :

It develops due to reduction of blood flow in arteries no bacterial decomposition involved it is characterized by the presence of dried tissues with shriveled.

It is seen mostly in diabetic cases it appears with a symptom of shrinking of tissues lacking of pulse.

Nagler reaction :

1.       This test is done for detecting the organism which is capable of producing toxin.

2.       In this test organism from the suspected case is inoculated into the media containing 6% of agar, 5% of filedes peptic digest of sheep blood and 20% human serum or 5% egg yolk.

3.       At the bottom of the plate draw a straight line to make the plates into two half.

4.       One half of the plate is spread with anti toxin the other half of the plate kept free with anti toxin. Followed by the plate is incubated at 370c for 24 hours.

5.       Colonies on the area without anti toxin shows opacity, while the area spread with prior anti toxin shows no opacity due to neutralization of alpha toxin usually lecithinase is produced by organism which splits lecithin into phosphorylcholine and lipid. This lipid deposition around the colony indicates opacity.


Culture :

Take wound swab ---à Transported into laboratory------à inoculate it into selective media ---> sub culture on blood agar incubated anaerobically at 48 to 72 hours ----> observe the colony morphology.

Clostridium difficle :

Clostridium difficle is a gram positive anaerobic rod shaped bacteria, it belongs to the family clostridiaceae. It is non capsulated , motile organism motility occurs due to the presence of peritrichous flagella.

Moreover it is spore forming spores are usually seen in sub terminal region and some time it appears as drum stick. It is normal inhabitant of intestine and is effectively causing a unique colonic disease called pseudomembranous colitis.

Factors responsible for infections :

1.       Prolonged hospital stay

2.       Prolonged anti microbial use

3.       Host immune response

4.       Toxin

5.       Age

Route of infection : faeco oral route

Spread – spore spread through hands of health care workers.

Pathophysiology :

This infection is developed due to alteration of normal flora in intestine. When the antibiotic kills off other competing bacteria means exogenous flora that initiates the growth of normal flora such as C difficle. Thus it colonize well in the gut and cause pseudomembranous colitis.

Infections symptoms:

Diarrohea, fever, nausea and the abdominal pain are the major symptoms.

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