Fundamentals of Nursing syllabus for first year GNM Nursing as per indian nursing council




Placement- FIRST YEAR                                                                                          Time- 210 hours

Fundamentals of Nursing- 190 hours

First- Aid- 20 hours




Course Description

This course is designed to help students develop an ability to meet the basic health need of the patients with regard to nursing care and develop skill in the competencies required for rendering effective patient care.


General Objectives

Upon completion of the course, the students shall be able to:

1                 Describe the physical, mental and social adjustment required of a sick individual and his family.

2                 Carry out basic nursing techniques and care with the application of sound scientific principle.

3                 Explain the concept of comprehensive nursing care.

4                 Develop skills in assessment, planning, implementation and evaluation of the nursing care rendered to the patients.

5                 Communicate effectively and establish good interpersonal relationship with the patients, their relatives and other health team members.

6                 Demonstrate skills in observation, recording and reporting.

7                 Recognize and utilize opportunities for planning and implementing need based health teaching programme (s) for individuals, groups, families and communities.

Total Hours - 190



Unit. No.







Method of Teaching

Assessment methods


Define nursing and explain its nature, meaning, scope,ethics and principles in nursing.


Identify the qualities of

Introduction to Nursing

a)  Nursing – concept, meaning,

definitions,scope and functions.

b)  History of nursing in India

c)  Nursing as a profession

d)  Nursing professional – qualities and preparation.


Lecture cum discussions

Short answer Objective type Essay type


Unit. No.







Method of Teaching

Assessment methods


a professional nurse health care agencies and its functions.


Describe the holistic approach to nursing and the determinants of health and the effects of illness.

e)           Ethics in Nursing-roles and responsibilities of a nurse.

f)            Health care agencies – hospital and community service – types and function of hospitals health team.

g)           Modern approaches to nursing care including holistic nursing care

h)          Health and Disease

-        Definition of health, determinants

of health status.

-        Basic human needs

-        Illness and its effects on individual





Describe nursing care of the patient/client in hospital using nursing process.


Demonstrate skill in the admission and discharge process, maintenance of safe environment and records and reports

Nursing care of the patient

a)  Patient Environment in the hospital:

Patients unit

b)  Therapeutic environment

-                Physical factors – lighting temperature, ventilation, humidity, noise, pestilence.

-                Safety needs, prevention of environmental hazard

-                Psychosocial and aesthetic factors.

c) Patient’s Adjustment to the Hospital.

-        Understanding the patient as a person, socio-economic, and cultural background, health status etc.

-        Effect of hospitalization on patient and family.

-        Admission, transfer, discharge procedures

d) Basic Nursing Skills-

-        Communication

-        Nursing interview

-        Recording and reporting

e) Nursing Process

-        Meaning and importance

-        Assessment, Nursing diagnosis Planning, Implementation and Evaluation

-        Nursing care plan.


Lecture cum discussions.


Demonstration of maintaining the records and reports


Role Play

Short answer Objective type Essay type

Return demonstration


Unit. No.







Method of Teaching

Assessment methods


Describe basic needs of the patient

Demonstrate skill in meeting basic

care of the patient

Meeting the Basic Needs of a patient

a) Physical needs-

-        Comfort, rest, sleep and exercise

–Importance and its promotion

-        Body mechanics –moving, lifting, transferring

-        Position and posture maintenance

-        Comfort devices

-        Beds and bed making – Principles of bed making, types and care of bed linen

-        Safety devices, restraints and splints

-        Exercises – Active and Passive

b) Hygienic needs

-        Personal and environmental hygiene personal

-        Nurses note in maintaining personal and environmental hygiene.

-        Care of eyes, nose, ears, hands and feet.

-        Care of mouth, skin, hair and genitalia

-        Care of pressure areas, bed sores.

c) Elimination needs

-        Health and sickness

-        Problems – constipation and diarrhea, retention and incontinence of urine.

-        Nurse’s role in meeting elimination needs.

-        Offering bed-pan and urinal,

-        Observing and recording abnormalities.

-        Preparation and giving of laxative, suppositories, enemas, bowel wash, flatus tube.

-        Perineal care, care of patient with urinary catheter, diapers.

-        Maintenance of intake and output records

d) Nutritional needs

-        Diet in health and disease

-        Factors affecting nutrition in illness,

-        Nurse’s role in meeting patients nutritional needs.

-        Modification of diet in illness.

-        Diet planning and serving.

-        Feeding helpless patients including

artificial methods of feeding.

e) Psychological and spiritual needs


Lecture cum discussion



Short answer Objective type

Essay type





Return demonstration





Assessment using checklist


Unit. No.







Method of Teaching

Assessment methods



-          Importance

-          Nurse’s role -Diversional and Recreational therapy

f) Care of terminally ill and dying patient

-                     Dying patient’s signs and symptoms needs of dying patient and family,

-                     Nursing care of dying-: special considerations; advance directives, euthanasia, will, dying declaration, organ donation etc.

-                     Medico legal issues

-                     Care of the dead body

-                     Care of unit

-                     Autopsy

-                     Embalming





Describe the principles of assessment demonstrate skills in assessing the patient

Assessment of patient/client

a) Physical Assessment

-                Importance, principles, methods of assessment

-                Height, Weight, posture

-                Head to toe examination.

b) Physiological Assessment

-                 Vital signs, normal, abnormal Characteristics, factors influencing the variations,

-                 Observation and collection of specimens-urine, stool, vomitus and sputum.

c) Psychological Assessment

- Mood, Intelligence, Emotions Normal and Abnormal behavior.


Lecture cum discussions



Short answer Objective type

Essay type





Return demonstration





Assessment using checklist


Describe the infection control, methods in the clinical setting.

Infection control

a) Infection control :

-        Nature of infection

-        Chain of infection transmission

-        Defence against infection: natural and acquired

-        Hospital acquired infection ( nosocomial infection)

b) Concept of asepsis:

-        Medical and surgical asepsis

-        Isolation precautions , barrier nursing

-        Hand washing : simple, hand asepsis, surgical asepsis (scrub)

-          Isolation – source and protection

-          Personal protective equipments types, uses and techniques of wearing and removing


Lecture cum discussion



Short answers


Essay type




Objective type


Demonstrate infection control practices

Explain using manual of biomedical waste management of Government of India




Demonstration Videos Simulation exercises



Unit. No.







Method of Teaching

Assessment methods



-          Decontamination of unit and equipment

-          Transportation of infected patient

-.      Standard safety precaution

-          Transmission based precautions

c) Bio-medical waste management

-        Importance

-        Types of hospital wastes

-        Hazards associated with hospital waste

-        Decontamination of hospital waste

-        Segregation and transportation

-        Disposal





Describe therapeutic nursing care

Therapeutic Nursing Care

a) Care of patients with respiratory problems/dyspnea

-     Deep breathing and coughing exercises

-     O2 inhalation

-     Dry and moist inhalation

-     Oro nasal suctioning

b)  Care of patient with altered body temperature-Hot and cold Applications

c)  Care of patients with Fluid and Electrolyte imbalance

d)  Care of unconscious patient

e)  Care of the bed-ridden patient(traction, fractures etc.)

f)   Care of patient with pain

g)  Care of patients with body elimination deviation


Lecture cum discussions.

Short answer


Objective type










Essay type





Return demonstration





Assessment using checklist


Explain the principles, routes, effects of administration of medications

Introduction to clinical Pharmacology

Administrationof medication:

a) General Principles/Considerations

-     Purposes of medication

-     Principles: Rights, special considerations, prescriptions, safety in administering medications and medication errors

-     Drugs forms

-     Routes of administration

-     Storage and maintenance of drugs and nurses responsibility

-     Broad classification of drugs

-     Therapeutic effect, side effect, toxic effect, allergic reaction, drug tolerance, drug interactions

-    Factors influencing drug actions

-     Systems of drug measurement: metric system, household measurements.


Lecture cum discussions.



Short answer Objective type

Essay type





Return demonstration





Assessment using checklist


Unit. No.







Method of Teaching

Assessment methods



-     Converting measurements units: conversion within one system, between systems, dosage calculations.

-     Terminologies and abbreviations used in prescription of medications.

b)  Oral drug administration: oral, sublingual, buccal : equipment and procedure.

c)     Parentral:

-     General principles

-     Types of parentral therapies.

-     Types of syringes, needles, canulas and infusion sets,

-     Protection from needle stick injuries, giving medications with a safety syringe.

-     Routes of parentral therapies:

-     Purposes, site equipment, procedure and special considerations in

giving intradermal, subcutaneous, intramuscular and intravenous medications.

-     Advanced techniques : epidural, intrathecal, intraosseous, intraperitoneal, intrapleural, intra arterial

-     Role of nurse

d)  Topical administration: purposes, site, equipment, procedure, special considerations for applications to skin and mucous membrane.

e)  Direct application:

-     Gargle, throat swab

-     Insertion of drug into body cavities : nasal pack, suppositories / medicated packing into rectum / vagina

-     Instillations: ear, eye, nasal, bladder and rectal.

-     Irrigations: eye, ear, bladder, vaginal and rectal. Spray: nose and throat

f)       Inhalations: nasal, oral, endotracheal, tracheal (steam, oxygen and medications) – purposes, types, equipment, procedure and special considerations.

g)      Recording and reporting of medications







Course Description

This course is designed to help students develop and understanding of community emergencies and be able to

render first aid services as and when need arises.


General Objectives

Upon completion of this course, the students shall be able to:

1.  Describe the rules of first aid.

2.  Demonstrate skills in rendering first aid in case of emergencies.

Total Hours - 20











Teaching learning activities

Assessment methods


Describe the importance and principle of first aid


a)  Definition, Aims and Importance of first aid

b)  Rules/ General principles of First Aid

c)  Concept of emergency


Lecture cum discussions

Short answer Objective type


Demonstrate skill in

first aid techniques

Procedures and Techniques in First Aid

a)  Preparation of First Aid kit.

b)  Dressing, bandaging and splinting(spiral, reverse  spiral, figure of 8 spica, shoulder, hip, ankle, thumb, finger, stump, single and double eye, single and double ear, breast, jaw, capelin), triangle bandage uses, abdominal binder and bandage, breast binder, T and many tail bandage, knots reef, clove.

c)  Transportation of the injured

d)  CPR : Mouth to mouth, Sylvester, Schafer, External cardiac massage


Lecture cum discussions


Demonstration Videos


Simulation exercises.

Short answer


Objective type


Return demonstration


Describe first aid in common emergencies

First Aid in emergencies

a)  Asphyxia, drowning, shock

b)  Wounds and Bleeding

c)  Injuries to the Bones, Joints and Muscle - fractures, sprains, strains, hanging, falls


Lecture cum discussions.


Videos Demonstration

Short answer


Objective type


Return demonstration










Teaching learning activities

Assessment methods



d)  Burns and scalds

e)  Poisoning – ingestion, inhalation, bites and stings

f)   Foreign body in eye, ear, nose and






List various community emergencies and community resources.

Community Emergencies & Community Resources

a)  Fire, explosion, floods, earth-quakes,

famines etc

b)  Role of nurses in disaster management

c)  Rehabilitation

d)  Community Resources

-     Police, Ambulance services

-     Voluntary agencies-local, state national and international


Lecture cum discussions.



Short answer Objective type

Essay type




Mock drill





Simulation exercise










Field visit to voluntary agencies.




Placement: FIRST YEAR                                                                             Time: Practical – 880 hours Lab - 200 hours Clinical – 680 hours

Course Description: This course is designed to help the students to acquire knowledge, attitude and skills in techniques of nursing and practice them in clinical settings

The nurse on completion of this course will be able to:

q  Demonstrate appropriate attitudes and skills in providing comprehensive nursing care to patients based on nursing process.

          Assess the nursing needs of the clients by collecting complete data, making relevant observation and

analyze the data collected.

          Plan for appropriate nursing care by prioritizing the needs and executing competent nursing actions.

          Implement effective nursing care by integrating scientific principles for maintaining health optimum

          Promote the health of the individual and the community by giving appropriate health teaching.

          Evaluate the patients response to nursing care provided.

          Apply the theoretical knowledge to the appropriate clinical nursing practice.

          Demonstrate skill in the use of problem solving methods in nursing practice.

          Contribute for promotion of health prevention of illness & restoration of health of people by working

with other health team members.

          Gain knowledge of health resources in the community and the country.

          Demonstrate leadership skills in working with health team, community and others in the provision of

health care.

          Recognize the need for continuing education for professional development.

          Demonstrate use of ethical values in their personal and professional life.

          Assist in research activities.



Time (Hours)




Assessment methods

Supervised practice in Lab General Medical  and surgery wards



(Minimum practice time in clinical area)

   Performs admission and discharge procedure

Hospital admission and discharge

a) Admission:

       Prepare Unit for new patient

       Prepare admission bed

       Perform admission procedure

       New patient

       Transfer in

       Prepare patient records

   Practice in

Unit/ hospital

   Evaluate with


   Assessment of clinical performance with rating scale


of Practical record




b) Discharge/Transfer out

       Gives discharge counseling

       Perform discharge procedure (Planned discharge, LAMA and abscond, Referrals andtransfers)

       Prepare records of discharge/


       Dismantle, and disinfect unit and equipment after discharge/transfer





   Prepares nursing care plan as per the nursing process format




   Communic ates effectively with patient, families

and team members and

   Maintains effective human relations

Perform assessment:

       History taking, Nursing diagnosis, problem list, Prioritization, Goals & Expected Outcomes, selection of interventions

       Write Nursing Care Plan

       Gives care as per the plan



       Use verbal and non verbal

communication techniques


Prepare a plan for patient teaching session

   Write nursing process records of patient

   Simulated -1

   Actual - 1





   Role-plays in simulated situations on communi- cation techniques-1

   Health talk-1

   Assessment of nursing process records with checklist

   Assessment of actual care given with rating scale

   Assess role plays with the checklist on comm. unication techniques

   Assess health talk with the checklist

   Assessment of comm.- unication techniques by rating scale



Time (Hours)




Assessment methods



   Develops plan for patient teaching




   Prepares patient reports



write patient report

       Change-of shift reports,

       Transfer reports, Incident

reports etc.

       Present patient report

   Write nurses notes and present the patient report of 2-3 assigned patients

   Assessment of performance with rating scale


vital signs

Vital signs

       Measure, records and interpret alterations in body temperature, pulse,

respiration and blood pressure

   Lab practice

   Measure Vital signs of assigned patient

   Assessment of each skill with checklist

   Completion of

activity record

   Performs health assess- ment of each body system

Health assessment

       Health history taking

       Perform assessment: General

Body systems

       Use various methods of

physical examination

       Inspection, Palpation, Percussion, Auscultation, Olfaction Identification of system

       wise deviations



   Provides basic nursing care to patients

Prepare Patient’s unit:

       Prepare beds:

       Open, closed, occupied,

operation, amputation,

       Cardiac, fracture, burn,

Divided, & Fowler’s bed

       Pain assessment and

provision for comfort

   Practice in lab

& hospital



Use comfort devices Hygienic care:

       Oral hygiene:

       Baths and care of pressure


       Hair wash, Pediculosis






Time (Hours)




Assessment methods





        Oral/ Enteral,Naso/Orogastric, gastrostomy and Parenteral feeding

        Naso-gastric tube insertion,

suction, and irrigation Assisting patient in urinary elimination

        Provide urinal/bed pan

        Condom drainage

        Perineal care


        Care of urinary drainage Bladder irrigation Assisting bowel Elimination:

        Insertion of Flatus tube


        Insertion of Suppository Bowel wash Body Alignment and Mobility:

        Range of motion exercises

        Positioning: Recumbent, Lateral, Fowlers, Sims, Lithotomy, Prone, Trendelenburg positon-

        Assist patient in Moving, lifting, transferring, walking


Oxygen administration





Suctioning: oropharyngeal, nasopharyngeal


Chest physiotherapy and postural drainage


Care of Chest drainage CPR- Basic life support


Observation of Intravenous therapy






































   Simulated exercise on CPR manikin




Time (Hours)




Assessment methods




































   Performs infection control procedures

Blood and blood component therapy


Collect/assist for collection of specimens for investigations Urine, sputum, faeces, vomitus, blood and other body fluids


Perform lab tests:

                Urine: sugar, albumin, acetone


                Blood: sugar (with strip/ gluco-meter)


Application of hot and cold therapies:

                Local and general

                Dry and moist


Communicating and assisting with self-care of visually & hearing impaired patients


Communicating and assisting with self-care of mentally challenged/disturbed patients


Recreational and diversional therapies


Caring of patient with

alteration in sensorium


Infection control

                Perform following procedures:

                Hand washing techniques

                Simple, hand antisepsis and surgical antisepsis (scrub)

                Prepare isolation unit in lab/ ward


































  Observation study -2

  Department of Infection control & CSSD

  Visits CSSD write observation

report 1


































  Assess observation study with checklist

  Evaluate all procedures with checklist


Time (Hours)




Assessment methods





















   Provide care to pre and post- operative patients

   Perform procedures for care of wounds







Administers drugs

        Practice technique of wearing and removing Personal protective equipment (PPE)

        Practice Standard safety precautions (Universal precautions)

Decontamination of equipment and unit:

        Surgical asepsis:


        Handling sterilized equipment


        Calculate strengths of solutions,

        Prepare solutions

        Care of articles


Pre and post-operative care:

        Skin preparations for

surgery: Local

        Preparation of Post-

operative unit

        Pre & post- operative

teaching and counselling.

        Pre and post-operative


        Care of the wound:

        Dressings of minor wounds, careof Drainage / Application of Binders, Splints& Slings

        Bandaging of various body parts

Administration of medications

        Administer Medications in different forms and routes

        Oral, Sublingual and Buccal

        Parenteral : Intradermal, subcutaneous, Intramuscular etc.

        Assist with Intravenous


   Collection of samples for culture

   Do clinical posting in infection control department and write report

   Practice in lab/ward



























   Provide care to dying and dead

   Counsel and support relatives

        Drug measurements and dose calculations

        Preparation of lotions and solutions

        Administer topical applications

        Insertion of drug into body cavity: Suppository & medicated packing etc.

        Instillation of medicines into Ear, Eye, Nose and throat

        Irrigations: Eye, Ear, bladder, Vagina and Rectum

        Inhalations: dry and moist


        Identification of spurious


        Record date, time, medication, dose, route And sign immediately after administration


Care of dying patient

        Provide care for the terminally ill

        Caring and packing of dead Body

        Counseling and supporting grieving relatives

        Handing over the body &


        Transferring to mortuary with proper identification

        Terminal care of the unit




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