It is a communicable disease. It happens due to bites of infected rat and flea.

Causative organism

Yerisinia pesties


It can affected to all ages.  Attack of plague gives life time immunity. It mainly happens in the month of May and September .

Incubation period

For pneumonic plague it is 1 to 4 days and for bubonic plague it is 2 to 6 days


1.      Bubonic plague ->  This is the common type of plague it is not spread with the contact of two persons .

2.      Pneumonic plague ->  It is highly infectious. It spreads by droplet infection. Bacilli are present in sputum .

3.      Septicemia plague ->   Bubonic plague may become septicemia plague.

Primary clinical features

1.      High fever

2.      Dry skin and tongue

3.      Flushed face

4.      Bleeding from mucus membrane occur

5.      Death due to heart failure


1.      Blood culture shows elevated WBC count

2.      Aspiration fluid shows presence of bacilli


1.      Broad spectrum antibiotic is used.

2.      Isolation should be done in case of respiratory failure.

3.      Tracheostomy is done if needed .

4.      Universal precaution should be followed.


Early diagnosis and treatment can control the spread of infection . growth of rats and rodents should be eradicate or stop .

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