General Examination or Head toe Examination or Physical examination



General Examination or Head toe Examination :

The examination is carried in an orderly manner focusing upon one area of the body  at a time .the observation of the client starts as the client walks into the examination   room, e.g., a limp may be noted as the client walks in. the following observations are made.

General Appearance :

Nourishment : Well nourished or under nourished

Body build: Thin or obese

Health : Healthy or unhealthy

Activity : Active or dull (tired)


Mental Status

Consciousness: Conscious, unconscious, delirious, talking, incoherently

Look: Anxious or worried, depressed etc.


Body curves : lordosis, Kyphosis, scoliosis.

Movement : Any limp.


Height and weight  :

Skin condition:

Color: Pallor, jaundice ,cyanosis, Flushing etc.,

Texture : Dryness ,flaking ,wrinkling or Excessive moisture.

Temperature: Warm ,cold and clammy.

Lesions: macules ,papules, vesicles wounds etc.,


Head and Face

Shape of the skull and fontanelles (noted in the newborns ).

Skull circumference.

Scalp: Cleanliness, condition of the hair ,dandruff , pediculi, infection like ringworm.

Face :  Pale, Flushed, puffiness, Fatigue, pain,fear ,anxiety , enlargement of parotid glands etc.



Eyebrows: Normal or absent

Eye Lashes: Infection ,sty.

Eyelids : Oedema, lesions, ectropion (eversion), entropion(inversion).

Eyeballs: Sunken or protruded.

Conjunctiva : Pale, red ,purulent

Sclera : Jaundice.

Cornea and iris  : Irregularities and abrasions.

Pupils:  Delated, constricted , reaction  to light.

Lens : Opaque or transparent

Fundus : Congestion , hemorrhagic Spots.

Eye muscles: Strabismus(squint).

Vision: Normal, Myopia (Short sight ,Hyperopia (long sight ).



External ear   : Discharges, Cerumen Obstructing  the  ear passage.

Tympanic Membrane   :  perforations, lesions, bulging.

Hearing  : Haring acuity.



External nares : Crusts ordischarge

 Nostrils : inflammation of the mucus  membrane, septal deviations.

Mouth and Pharynx :

Lips: Redness, swelling , crusts, cyanosis, angular stomatitis.

Odor of the mouth: Foul smelling

Teeth: Discoloration and dental caries.

Mucus membrane & gums  : Ulceration and bleeding, swelling ,pus formation.

Tongue : pale ,dry, lesions sords, furrows, tongue tie etc.,

Throat & pharynx : Enlarged tonsils, redness and pus.

Neck  :

Lymph nodes : Enlarge, palpable

Thyroid gland : Enlarged.

Range of motion: Flexion ,extension and rotation.


Chest :

Thorax: Shape, Symmetry of exemption ,posture.

Breath sounds : Sigh, swish ,rustle, Wheezing crepitation , pleural rub etc.

Heart: Size and location ,cardiac murmurs.

Breast : Enlarged lymph nodes.



Observation :  Skin rashes, scar hernia ,ascites distension, Pregnancy etc.

Auscultation : Bowel Sounds, foetal heart sounds

Palpation : Liver margin , palpable spleen , tenderness at the area of appendix inguinal hernia

Percussion : Presence of gas, fluid or masses


Extremities :

Movement of joints, tremors, clubbing of fingers ,ankle oedema, varicose veins, reflexes etc.

Back  :

Spina bifida, curves,

Genitals and Rectum  :

    Inguinal lymph glands-enlarged, Pslpsble.

Patency of urinary  meatus and rectum (in  infants).

Descent of the testes (in infants).

Vaginal discharges.

Presence of sexually transmitted   diseases.


Enlargement of the prostate gland pelvic masses

 Neurologic Test :

Coordination tests. Reflexes.

Equilibrium test . Test for sensations.





The temperature, pulse, respiration and blood pressure are called vital signs or cardinal signs” in a normal healthy individual they   remain constant . They are called ‘ vital signs because :

1.      These findings are governed by vital organs and often reveal even the slightest deviation from  the normal body functions.

2.      The changes in the condition of the patient, improvement or regression may be  detected by the observation of the thee signs.

3.      Significant variation in these findings may indicate problem relating to insufficient consumption of oxygen, blood depletion , electrolyte imbalance , bacterial invasion and other problems.

4.      Through these signs, specific information may be obtained what will help in the diagnosis of disease, the result of treatment  , medications and nursing care.

5.      Even the patient’s emotional state may also cause significant variation in these symptoms.

·         The  normal body temperature is 98.6 F or 37 C in adults .

·         The normal pulse is 72 beats/ minute in adults.

·         The normal respiration is 16/ minute in adults.

·         The normal blood pressure is 120/80 mm of hg in adults.

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