*Bleeding ,technically known as hemorrhaging or haemorrhaging, is blood escaping from the circulatory system .
* Bleeding
can occur internally , where blood leaks from blood vessels inside the body or externally , either through a
natural opening such as the mouth, nose,
ear ,urethra , vagina or anus .
* Or
through a break in the skin hypovolemia is a massive decrease in blood volume and death
bye excessive loss of blood is referred to as exsanguination .
Typically a healthy person can endure a loss of 10-15 % of total blood volume without serious medical
difficulties by comparison , blood donation typically take 8- 10% of the
donor’s blood volume ) .The stopping or controlling of bleeding is called
hemostasis and is an important part of first aid and surgery.
* The
endoscopic image of units plastic , a type of stomach cancer leading to a
leather bottle – like appearance with blood coming out of it .
* Micrograph showing abundant hemosiderin –
laden alveolar macrophages (dark brown ) ,as seen in a pulmonary hemorrhage . H
and E stain .
Blood loss :-
Hemorrhaging is broken down into four classes by American
college of surgeon’s advanced trauma
life support (ATLS)
*Class I
hemorrhage :-
up to 15% of Blood
volume .There is typically no change
in usually necessary .
hemorrhage :- involves 15 -30% of total blood volume .A patient is
often tachy cardia (rapid heart beat )
with a narrowing of the difference between the systolic and diastolic blood
pressure .The blood attempts to
compensate with peripheral vasoconstriction .Skin may start to look pale and be cool to the touch .
The patient may exhibit slight changes
in behavior . volume resuscitation with crystalloids (saline solution or
lactated Ringer solution ) is all that
is typically required . blood transfusion is not typically required .
– 3 Hemorrhages :- involves
loss of 30-40% of circulating blood volume .The patient’s blood pressure drops,
the heart rate increases , peripheral hypo perfusion (shock) , such capillary retail worsens . Fluid
resuscitation with crystalloid and blood transfusion are usually necessary .
iv hemorrhage :- It
involves loss of >10 % of circulating blood volume . the limit of the body’s
compensation is required and aggressive resuscitation is required to prevent
death .
system is basically the same as used in
the staging of hypovolemic shock .
Individual in excellent physical and cardiovascular shape man have more
effective compensatory mechanisms before experiencing cardiovascular collapse .
these patients may look deceptively
stable with minimal derangements in vital signs , while having poor
peripheral prefusion . Elderly patients or those with chronic medical conditions
may have less tolerance to blood loss, less ability to compensate , and may
take medication such as
beta bluckers that can potentially
blunt the cardiovascular response . care
must be taken in the assessment of these patient .
World health organization severity of bleeding
-0 no bleeding
petechial bleeding
Grade -
2 Mild blood
loss (clinically significant )
Grade –
3 Gross
blood loss , requires transfusion (severe)
Grade –
Debilitating blood loss , retinal or cerebral associated with
Hematemesis – vomiting fresh blood
* Anus *
Haematuria – blood in the urine from urinary bleeding .
* upper
cerebral hemorrhage – a type of intra cranial hemorrhage , bleeding within the
brain tissue itself .
Hemoptysis :- coughing up blood from the
lungs .
Hematochezia :- rectal blood .* urinary tract
Intracranial hemorrhage – bleeding in the skull.
Intracerebral hemorrhage –bleeding in the brain caused by the rupture of a
blood vessel with in the head .
see also hemorrhagic stroke .
Subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) implies
the presence of blood within the
subarachnoid space from some pathologic
process . The common medical use of the term
SAH refers to the nontraumatic types of hemorrhages , usually from
rupture of a berry aneurysm or
Arteriovenous malformation (ANM).The scope of this article is limited
to these nontraumatic hemorrhages
* Lungs