PHARYNGITIS- It is the inflammation of the pharynx including palate, tonsils and posterior wall of the pharynx.



      It is the inflammation of the pharynx including palate, tonsils and posterior wall of the pharynx.



·         Most commonly caused by acute infection.

·         Usually transmitted through respiratory secretions.

·         Streptococcal pharyngitis and rhinoviruses are frequent causes.

·         Cause mostly viral or bacterial in origin.




1)      Acute pharyngitis.

2)      Chronic pharyngitis.



It is a febrile inflammation of the throat. Group A streptococcus is the most common bacterial organism associated with acute pharyngitis.


Signs and Symptoms:


            S/s of Acute Pharyngitis includes

·         A red pharyngeal membrane and tonsils.

·         Swollen palpable and tender cervical lymph nodes in most cases.

·         Throat pain is aggravated by swallowing.

·         Pharynx appear reddened with edema of uvula, pharynx and tonsils may be covered with exudates.

·         Fever, malaise and sore throat.

·         Dysphasia.

·         Hoarsenss,cough, rhinitis etc.


Diagnostic Evaluation:


·         History collection

·         Physical examination

·         Throat culture

·         Nasal swabbing

·         Blood examination




Medical Management.


·         If it is caused by bacteria administer anti-microbial agents.

·         For streptococcal pharyngitis penicillin is the medication choice.

·         Erythromycin for patient who is allergic to penicillin.

·         Antibiotic are administered for at least 10 days to eradicate group A streptococci.

·         A liquid or soft diet is provided.

·         Patient is encouraged to drink as much as fluid as possible with 2-3 liter/days.


Nursing Management.


·         Instruct the patient to take rest.

·         Tissues should be disposed properly to prevent the spread of infection.

·         Advise Luke warm saline gargles.

·         Analgesics medication.

·         Provide mouth care in order to prevent bacterial infection of the mouth.


It is an chronic inflammation of the pharynx.



            Ch. Pharyngitis is most common in people who-

·         Habitually use tobacco and alcohol.

·         Have a chronic cough.

·         Are employed or live in dusty environment.

·         Use their voice excessively.








There are three types :-


1)      Hypertrophic : Characterized by general thickening and congestion of the pharyngeal mucous membrane.

2)      Atrophic : Probably a late stage of first type, the membranes in thin, whitish, glistening and at times wrinkled.

3)      Chronic Granular : With numerous swollen lymph follicles on the pharyngeal wall.


Clinical Manifestation :

·         A constant sense of irritation or fullness in the throat.

·         Dysphasia.


Diagnostic Evaluation:

·         Physical examination

·         History collection

·          Throat culture

·          Nasal swabbing

·         Blood examination




Medical Management.

·         The treatment is based on relieving symptoms.

·         Avoiding exposure to irritants.

·         Nasal congestion is relieved by nasal spray or medication containing ephedrine sulphate.

·         Antihistamine, Decongestants is taken orally every 4-6 hrs.

·         Contact with others  should be avoided at least until the fever has subsided completely.


Patient Education by Nurse :

·         To prevent the infection from spreading the patient is instructed to avoid contact with others until the fever has subsided.

·         Avoid the use of alcohol, tobacco, second hand smoke etc.

·         Avoid from exposure to cold.

·         The patient is encouraged to drink plenty of fluids.

·         Advise the gargling with warm saline solution.


Home Care Management Pharyngitis:

·         Adequate rest is to be taken.

·         Do Luke warm water gargles.

·         Frequent mouth care is to be taken to prevent infection.

·         Avoid use of tobacco & alcohol.

·         Avoid exposure to the irritants.

·         Environmental pollutants should be avoided.

·         Drink plenty of fluids.

·         Continue medication as per prescriptions.

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