Definition of Mental health and Mental illness-Components and indicators mental health-Characteristics of a Mentally Healthy Person


Mental Health

It is a state of between the individual and the surrounding world, a state of harmony between oneself and others, a co-existence between the realities of the self and that of other people and the environment.


Karl Menninger (1947) defines mental health as an adjustment of human being to the world and each other with a maximum of effectiveness and happiness.

The American Psychiatric Association (APA  1980) defines mental health as Simultaneous success at working loving and creating with the capacity for mature and flexible resolution of conflicts between instincts, conscience, important other people and reality.

Thus mental health would include not only the absence of diagnostic labels such as schizophrenia and obsessive compulsive disorder, but also the ability to cope with the stressor of daily living freedom from anxieties and generally a positive outlook towards life’s vicissitudes and to cope with those.

Components of mental health 

The components of mental health includes:

·         The ability to accept self: A mentally healthy individual feels comfortable about himself. He feels reasonably secure and adequately accepts his shortcoming. In other words, he has self-respect.

·         The capacity to feel right towards others: An individual who enjoys good  mental health is able to be sincerely interested in other’s welfare. He has friendship that are satisfying and lasting. He is able to feel a part of group without being submerged by it. He takes responsibility for neighbours and his fellow members.

·         The ability to fulfil life’s tasks: A mentally healthy person is able to think for himself, set reasonable goals and take his own decision. He does something about the problems as they arise. He shoulders his daily responsibilities, and is not bowled over by his own emotions of fear, anger, love or guilt.


Indicators of mental health:

Jahoda (1958) has indentified six indicators of mental health which includes:

1.      A positive attitude towards self: This includes an objective view of self, including knowledge and acceptance of strengths and limitations. The individual feels a strong sense of personal identity and security within the environment.

2.      Growth, development and the ability for self actualization: This indicator correlates with whether the individual successfully achieves the tasks associates with reach level of development.

3.      Integration: Integration includes the ability to adaptively respond to the environment and the development of a philosophy of life, both of which help the individual maintain anxiety at a management level in response to stressful situation.

4.      Autonomy: It refers to the individual’s ability to perform in an independents self-directed manner; the individual makes choice and accepts responsibility for the outcomes.

5.      Perception of reality : This includes perception of  the environment without distortion, as well as the capacity for empathy and social sensitivity – a respect and concern for the wants and needs of others.

6.      Environmental mastery: This indicator suggested that the individual has achieved a satisfactory role within the group, society or environment. He is able to love and accept the love of others.


Characteristics of a Mentally Healthy Person:

·         He has an ability to make adjustment.

·         He has a sense of personal worth, feels worthless and important,

·         He solves his problems largely by his own effort and makes hoe own decision.

·         He has a sense of personal security and feels secure in a group, shows understanding of other people problem and motives.

·         He has a sense of responsibility.

·         He can give and accept love.

·         He lives in the world of reality rather than fantasy.

·         He shows emotional maturity in his behaviour, and   develops a capacity to tolerate frustration and disappointment in his daily life.

·         He has developed a philosophy of life that gives meaning and purpose to his daily activities.

·         He has a variety of interests and generally lives a well –balanced life of work, rest and recreation.



            Mental illness is maladjustment in living. It produces a disharmony in the person’s ability to meet human needs comfortably or effectively and function within a culture.

            A mentally ill person loses his ability to responds according to the expectation he has responds according to the expectation he has for himself and the demands that society has far him.

            In general an individual may be considered to be mentally ill if:

·         The person’s behaviour is causing distress and suffering to self and /or others.

·         The person’s behaviour is causing disturbance in this day-to day activities, job and interpersonal relationship.


Definition :

·         Mental and behavioural disorders are understood as clinically significant conditions characterized by alteration in thinking, mood (emotion) or behaviour associated with personal distress and/ or impaired functioning (WHO,2001).


Characteristics of Mental Illness:

·         Changes in one’s thinking, memory, perception, feelings and judgement resulting in changes in talk and behaviour which appear to be deviant from previous personality or from the norms of community.

·         These changes in behaviour cause distress and suffering to the individual or others of both.

·         Changes and the consequent distress cause disturbance in day-to-day activities, work and relationship with important others (social and vocational dysfunction).

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