Medical surgical nursing -I gnm syllabus as per indian nursing council and ksdneb.





Placement- SECOND YEAR  GNM                                                        Time- 120 hours


Course Description:-

This course shall help students understand the concept of disease and disease process, Students shall be able to gain knowledge and develop understanding of various medical, surgical disorders and disease. They shall be able to give comprehensive nursing care to patient with these diseases.


General Objective:-

Upon completion of this course, the students shall able to:

1.       Describe the cause, symptoms, treatment and prevention of Medical Surgical Diseases.

2.       Demonstrate skill in carrying out nursing technique and procedures with the applicant of scientific


3.       Discuss nursing process and provide nursing care to patients with medical surgical/ diseases.



Unit I


a)      Brief history of evolution of modern medicine and surgery

b)     Theories of illness and its causation -Illness as human experience

c)          Review of Nursing process and Nursing care plan.


Unit II


    Nursing assessment

a)             Health Assessment

-        Health history

-        Physical examination

-        Nutritional assessment

-        General clinical investigations


Unit III


     Pathophysiological mechanism of disease

a)      Stress adaptation stressors, management,

Nursing interventions

b)     Inflammation

c)      Defense against injury

d)     Nutritional consideration


Unit IV


   Altered immune response

a)     Overview of normal immune system

b)     Altered immune response, hypersensitivity and allergy

c)     Assessment of immune system

d)     Diagnostic evaluation

e)     Allergy disorders:

-        Anaphylaxis

-        Allergic rhinitis

-        Contact dermatitis

-        Atopic dermatitis

-        Drug reactions

-        Food allergy

-        Serum sickness

-        Latex allergy

f)              Approaches to treatallergic diseases

g)            Nursing management client with altered immune response

h)            Auto immune disease

-        Rheumatoid arthritis

-        SLE

-        Ankylosing spondylitis

-        Graft versus host disease


Unit V


    Fluid and electrolyte balance and Imbalance

a)             Water contents of body, electrolyte and Acid

– Base balance

b)            Homeostasis

c)             Review mechanism of regulating fluid and

electrolyte movement

d)            Fluid and electrolyte Acid-Base imbalance and its management


Unit VI

    Operation theatre technique:

a)      Physical Environment

-        Operation theatre room - cleaning of tables, trolleys, lights and other equipments

-        Pre-operative holding areas.

b)     Theatre Technique

-        Scrubbing – Hand washing

-        Gowning

-        Gloving

-        Positioning of patient for various surgical procedures.

-        Draping of patient.

c)      Preparation of theatre, equipment and supplies

-        Cleaning

-        Needles, sutures – types and their uses.

-        Carbolization, ETO sterilization, fumigation, OT swab, Bacillocid sterilization.

-        Packing and sterilization of dressings, linen rubber ware suture material, instruments, needlesandother materials.


Unit VII


      Management of patient undergoing surgery


a)     Pre operative preparation and care

-        Physical

-        Psychological,

-        Pre-medications

-        Legal and ethical

b)     Intra operative management

-        Surgical Team

-        Nursing activities and responsibilities

-        Anesthetic agents

-        Role of nurse in anesthesia

c)     Post operative Management

-        Immediate care

-        Transferring patient from operation theatre

-        Patient in recovery room

-        Recovery from Anesthesia

-        Post operative observation and nursing management

-        Carryout the post operative orders.

-        Postoperative complication observation, prevention & management.




         Nursing management of patient with impaired

respiratory function and gaseous exchange


a) Assessment of respiratory function

-        History

-        Physical examination

-        Diagnostic evaluation

b)     Care of patient in respiratory intensive care and ventilator care and respiratory function

c)      Management of Patient with disorders of upper respiratory airway.

-        Obstruction of upper airway

-        Epistaxis

-        Sinusitis

-        Pharyngitis

-        Tonsillitis

-        Laryngitis

-        Deviated nasal septum

d)     Management of patient with disorders of the chest and lower respiratory tract

e)        Management of patient with impaired • Lung


-        Empyema

-        Bronchial asthma

-        COPD

-        Pneumothorax

-        Pneumonia

-        Bronchitis

-        Bronchiectasis

-        Trauma

-        Pulmonary Tuberculosis/DOTS

-        Pulmonary embolism

-        Pulmonary edema

-        Lung tumors

-        Disorders of pleura and pleural space

-        Lung surgery

-        Respiratory failure

-        Acute respiratory distress syndrome,

-        SARS

f)      Alternate therapies

g)     Drugs used in treatment of disorder of respiratory system


Unit IX


     Nursing management of patient with gastro

intestinal disorders

a)      Assessment of gastro intestinal function

-        History

-        Physical examination

-        Diagnostic evaluation

b)     Management of Upper gastrointestinal disorders

-        Parotitis

-        Stomatitis

-        Glossitis

-        Gingivitis

-        Pyorrhea

-        Dental caries

-        Halitosis

-        Dysphagia

-        Achalasiacardia

-        Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)

-        Cancer of esophagus

-        Hiatus hernia

-        Gastritis

-        Gastric and duodenal ulcers

-        Gastric cancer

-        Gastroenteritis

-        Esophageal fistula

-        Peritonitis

-        Care of patient with gastro intestinal intubation and special nutritional management.

-        Management of patient with lower gastro intestinal disorders:




Fecal incontinence

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)


Diverticular disease

Crohn’s disease

Ulcerative colitis

Intestinal obstruction


TB abdomen

Colorectal cancer

Polyps of colon and rectum

Ano rectal abscess

Anal fistula and fissure


-        Alternate therapies

-        Drugs used in treatment of GI disorders




Unit X



   Nursing management of patients with

metabolic and endocrinal disorders:

a)      Assessment of Hepatic and biliary functions

-        History

-        Physical examination

-        Diagnostic measures

b)     Management of patients with hepatic disorders

-        Jaundice

-        Hepatic cirrhosis

-        Portal hypertension

-        Ascites

-        Hepatic Encephalopathy and coma

-        Viral hepatitis

-        Tumors and cyst of the liver

-        Liver abscess

c)      Management of patients with biliary disorders

-        Cholecystitis

-        Cholelithiasis

-        Choledocolithiasis

-        Acute and chronic pancreatitis

-        Cancer of pancreas

d)     Assessment of Endocrinal function

-        History

-        Physical examination

-        Diagnostic evaluation

c)        Management of endocrinal disorders

-        Pituitary disorders

-        Thyroid disorders



        Thyroid tumors


-        Parathyroid disorders

-        Pancreas disorder

        Diabetes mellitus

-        Adrenal disorders


        Addison’s disease

        Cushing’s syndrome

-        Tumors of the endocrine glands

f)              Alternate therapies

g)            Drugs used in treatment of metabolic and Endocrine disorder


Unit XI


      Nursing management of renal and urinary disorders

a) Assessment of renal and urinary functions

-        History

-        Physical examination

-        Diagnostic evaluation

b) Management of patients with renal and urinary disorders

-        Urinary retention and incontinence

-        Urinary tract infection

-        Acute and chronic glomerulonephritis

-        Pyelonephritis

-        Urolithiasis

-        Renal calculi

-        Trauma of kidney, bladder,urethra, ureters

-        Urinary strictures

-        TB of urinary tract

-        Neurogenic bladder dysfunction

-        Renal cyst and renal abscess

-        Nephrotic syndrome

-        Acute and chronic Renal failure

-        Uremia

-        Acute and chronic nephrosis

-        Tumor – benign and malignant

-        Care of patient on hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis

-        Care of patient with renal transplant

-        Assessment of male Genitourinary function


Physical examination

Diagnostic evaluation

-        Disorders of male genito urinary tract and its management



Benign and malignant prostatic hypertrophy



Cancer penis

-        Alternate therapies

-        Drugs used in treatment of renal and Urinary disorders


Unit XII


   Nursing management of patients with

neurological disorders:

a)      Assessment Neurological functions

-        History

-        Physical examination

-        Diagnostic evaluation

b)     Management of patients with neurologic dysfunctions

-        Altered level of consciousness

-        Increased Intracranial pressure

-        Intracranial surgery

c)      Management of patients with neurological disorders

-        Headache

-        Migraine

-        Seizures

-        Epilepsy

-        Status epileptics

-        Cerebrovascular disorder – CVA

-        Neurological trauma – Head, brain, spinal cord, subdural and extradural hematoma

-        Neurologic infection

-           Meningitis.

        Brain abscess


-        Degenerative disorders

        Multiple sclerosis

        Myasthenia gravis

        Guillain – Barre syndrome


        Alzheimer disease

-        Neuralgia

-        Bell’s Palsy

-        Peripheral neuropathies

-        Brain and spinal cord tumors

-        Huntington’s disease

-        Muscular Dystrophies

-        Herniation of the intervertebral disc

d)     Alternate therapies

e)      Drugs used in treatment of neurological disorders




        Nursing Management of Patients with

Connective Tissue and Collagen Disorders

a)      Assessment

-        History

-        Physical examination

-        Diagnostic measures

b)     Management of patients with disorders of connective tissue and collagen disorders

-        Rheumatoid arthritis

-        Systemic lupus Erythematosus (SLE)

-        Scleroderma

-        Polymyositis

-        Osteoarthritis

-        Ankylosing Spondylitis

-        Gout

-        Fibromyalgia

c)      Alternate therapies

d)     Drugs used in treatment of connective tissue and collagen disorders



Unit XIV


   Nursing management of the elderly

a)     Assessment of the elderly

-        Ageing process

-        Helping and care of elderly in promoting wellness and self care

b)     Conditions associated with ageing

-         Dementia

-        Osteoporosis

-        Incontinence – urinary

-        Sensory deprivation

-        Home and Institutional care



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