What is proteins and it’s uses

Introduction :
The word protein is derived from “greek” word ‘prota ‘ which means first importance , protein is the basic material of energy living cell and is the most important of all non-substances in organic kingdom. It is the only nutrient, that can make new cells.
Proteins are very necessary for human nutrition. Body contains about 20% protein.
Proteins are complex organic nitrogenous compounds. They are composed of –
v  Carbon
v  Hydrogen
v  O2
v  Nitrogen
 some proteins also contains phosphorus and iron. Protein is formed from amino acid. Amino acid are building blocks of proteins. Body requires 20% amino acid of these 8-9 are categorized as essential aminoacid we are other are non-essential amino acid.
Body cannot synthesis than in sufficient quantities and they have to obtained from food.
These are required for proper growth but the body can synthesise them in a sufficient quantities.
Types of protein :-
There are 3 main type of proteins:-
Simple protein
Conjugated protein (mixture)
Derived protein (combination of others)
Simple protein :
Conjugated proteins:-
Haemoglobin , nucleoprotein, glucoprotein,phosphoprotein.
Derived proteins:-
Metaprotein ,peptone,peptides. These are also be classified as first class and second class protein. Protein containing essential amino acids are called as first class while the rest area called as second class protein.
Calorie :-
Protein should account for 10%-30% of your daily calorie intake. Every gram of protein has 4 calories.
Source of proteins:-
Proteins are derived many from two types of sources.
Animal source :-
v  Milk and milk products 
v  Eggs
v  Meat
v  Fish
all these proteins contain essential amino acids.
Vegetable source:-
v  Cereals
v  Pulses
v  Oil seeds  and oats 
These essential amino acids contains is deficient (it will very less quantity) because of the greater availability and low prices of the commodities more protein is obtain from this sources in india.

Functions of protein:-
v  Providing the material for growth and development.
v  Repair and maintainence of tissues.
v  Help in maintaining in fluid and electrolyte balance.
v  Help in growth of fetus during pregnancy and lactation (after the birth body the mother have to give the breast feed).

Protein metabolism :-
v  Proteins are converted by enzymes of the gastric,pancreatic and intestine juice into amino acids. These are observed by the portal vein to do liver. The amino acid required for tissue building pass through the liver and are carried by the blood stream to all parts.

Daily requirement of protein :-
Indian references man weight 55kg and women weight 45kg.
v  For man 55gm
v  For women 45gm
v  During pregnancy (upto 6 months 59gm)
v  For e.g 45 or per weight +14 gm
During lactation (0-6 month)45+25gm=70gm.
Deficiencies of protein:-
v  Growth failure
v  Edema
Fatty liver
v  Loss fo appetite
v  Changes in the skin and hair colour
v  Anemia
Over consumption :-
v  Renal disorders
v  Diabetes
v  Obesity
v  Heart disease

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