What is Energy-factors and measurements of energy




   Food is the fuel sources of body. The ingested food under goes metabolism to librate energy required for the vital activities of the body.
                Unit of the energy :-
                                The energy value of food has long been expressed in terms of Kcal. The kilo calori is generally expressed as calorie (c).this has been accepted inter nationally.
                 The dietary sources of energy protein, fat and carbohydrate. They supply energy at the following rates:-
v  Protein -4kcal/gm
v  Fat – 9kcal/gm
v  Carbohydrates-4kcal/gm.
Energy requirements :-
The energy requirement of an individual may be defined as that level of energy intake in relation to expenditure which is least rightly to result in obesity or heart diseases. Actually the total energy requirement of an individual is made of three components:-
v  Energy require for basal metabolism
v  Energy require for daily activities
v  Energy expenditure occupational works.
Factor affecting energy requirement
v  Gender :- male needs more energy
v  Age
v  Weight
v  Body temperature
v  External temperature
v  Hormones
v  Pregnancy and lactation
v  Disease condition
v  Physical activities
v  Fear and nervous system.
 Measurements of energy
                 The amount of energy released from foods and the amount of energy expended by an individual can be obtained by direct and indirect calorimetry .
 Direct :-
                 The chemical change is that occurs when CHO or fat  oxidized during respiration in the body or when this chemicals are burnt in the air is the underline principal on which direct calorimetry. The amount of energy released or expended is measured by heat produced.    Indirect method :-
                It is based on the principal that when an organic substances is completely from combusted in the human body, oxygen is consumed in amount directly related to energy liberated as heat.
  Body mass index (BMI) and basic metabolism :-
           Body mass index is a simple index of weight for height, that is commonly used to the classify under weight ,over weight or obesity in adults. It is defined as the weight in kilograms derived by square of height in meters(kg/m2)
                 Body mass index = W/H(M2).

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