Gowning :


(a  Gowning :

    Gowns are usually  worn to prevent soiling of the health care worker’s clothing by the patient’s blood and body fluids. They provide barrier protection & are donned immediately before catering the patient’s room.



Purpose :

·         To prevent soiling of clothes during contact with the patient.

·         To prevent health care personnel from coming in contact with infected materials.

General Instructions :

·         Gown I worn only in the client’s during contact with the patient.

·         The gown is worn by a nurse when caring for a client hose infection is known to be spread by direct contact or when it necessary to protect nurse’s uniform from contamination by the client’s pathogens.

·         The gown is worn by the infected person when he/she  Is transported outside his/her room. The gowns prevent the client’s contaminated clothing from touching clean area.

·         Gowns are worn by nurses when caring for the person whose resistance to infection is diminished e.g. premature babies.

          The gown prevent the client from contact with any organism that  could be on the uniform of the nurses.

·         The outside of the gown is considered to be highly contaminated and the inside of the gown is  considered to be clean.

·         If the gown is to be reused, hand the gown inside the client’s unit with the contaminated side folded out . hand the gown outside the client’s unit with the contaminated side folded in

Procedure :

                        Gowning technique





Perform hand washing thoroughly



Pick up the sterile gown

To prevent soiling and contamination of the gown


Allow in fold keeping inside of the gown toward the body without allowing the outside of the gown to touch any area.



With hands at shoulder level ,slip both arms armhole simultaneously.



Ask the circulatory nurse to bring the gown over the shoulder touching the inner aspect of gown.



Ask the circulatory nurse to fasten and tie the neck.

It allows to keep gown at place amd it covers the uniform at back


Overlap the gown at the back as much as possible and fasten the waist ties o belt



Prevent gown from becoming wet.

Moisture allow organisms to travel through the gown to the uniform.


                         Removal of surgical gown

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Removing of gown : To remove a gown unite the wait band :wash hands, unite the neck ties ,side the gown down and arms



Hold the gown with both hands, inside the shoulder at the shoulder seams, gown is turned inside out hands are brought together, gown is rolled and discarded

To prevent contamination and transferring of infection.


Wash hands toughly

To prevent infection.

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