Thermometer - it is a device used check the body temperature.



   A thermometer is  device used check the body temperature.

There are four types of thermometers:

1.      Mercury in glass-clinical thermometer .

2.      Electronic thermometer.

3.      Disposable thermometer .

4.      Tympanic membrane thermometer .


1.      Clinical Thermometer

A clinical thermometer is a special instrument designed to measure the temperature of the body.

It is available in both Fahrenheit and Celsius (centigrade ) scales.

The thermometer has two part , a bulb and steam



Bulb  : A bulb containing mercury.

·          The bulbs are of different size and shapes.

·         Greater the surface of the glass, surrounding the mercury , more rapidly the mercury is heated up, thus more rapidly  the thermometer register.

·         The oral thermometers are with long and slender bulbs and they register more rapidly

·         The rectal  The thermometer often have colored bulbs.

             Stem  : In which the mercury can rise.

·             On the stem is a graduated scale representing the degree of temperature the lowest registered being 35 C or 95     the  highest being 43.3     or 11  F, because the body temperature above or below these point are rare .

·         The stem usually has a curved surface that magnifies the lines and figures on the scale and a flattened back with a sharp ridge that makes it easier to read the  scale and prevent the rolling thereby lessening the danger of breaking .

·         The  clinical thermometers are different from the lotion thermometers .

·         Therefore the mercury fall down on cooling . the grading of the lotion thermometer are from the freezing point to the boiling point of the water.


Care of Thermometer:

·         The thermometer has to shake down, grasp the thermometer securely by the upper end of the stem and never hold it by the bulb.

·         While shaking the thermometer the nurse should be careful to prevent from striking it with anything such as a table, desk wall etc.

·         The nurse should always wash under cold running water, as washing in hot water brakes the thermometer due to expansion of mercury level beyond its capacity.

·         Always rinse them in clean water dry them and store them in dry cotton surfaced container

·         The  nurse  should never put the thermometer in the mouth of a person who cannot understand the instruction or who is not able to hold thermometer or small children.

·         The thermometer should  be washed in 1:40 strength Dettol solution  for 5 minutes or 1:20 strength savlon  solution.

·         A good blood supply under  the tongue and the fact that the thermometer can be held in place by the  tongue while the mouth is close make the mouth a convenient place for taking the temperature.

·         Also contain a plentiful blood supply in the rectum, which is not influenced by external air temperature.

·         Rectal temperature is nearest the temperature if the inside of the body then is mouth temperature.

·         The axilla usually is moist from perspiration, and even if it is dried, enough moisture and air may be present to prevent an accurate body temperature reading.



1.      Low price .

2.      Wide availability .

3.      Reliable accuracy.



1.       Delayed time for recording.

2.      Easily breakable.

                           2. Electronic Thermometer:

                           It consist of a battery powered display unit, a thin wire cord and  a temperature sensitive probe , covered by a disposable plastic sheath to prevent transmission of infection . separate  probes are available for oral and rectal insertion, temperature reading appears, both in Fahrenheit and centigrade. It is easy to read  .duration of patients discomfort is small ,only a few seconds.

3.      Disposable Thermometer

                                  It is a single use thermometer, made of thin plastic strips chemically impregnated paper. They are used for children to take oral and axillary temperatures. Only 45 second are needed to record temperature. It is less accurate.

4.      Tympanic Membrane Thermometer:

These a small hand –held devices similar to otoscope with disposable speculum , infrared –sensing electronics and liquid crystal displays. Most are battery operated  and rechargeable. Result are displayed 1 to 2 second after placing their speculum in the outer third of the ear canal  . it is accurate.

The common site for checking /taking Body temperature are:






Some time  the nurse has to convert the temperature reading from one scale to anther  i.e Fahrenheit to Celsius.

The equation to convert Fahrenheit scale to Celsius is C=(F-32)O 5/9

Example to convert 102° Celsius.

            C =  (102-32)O5/9

             C= 70O 5/9 38.8°C.

To convert Celsius scale to Fahrenheit is F=CO9/5+32.

Example to convert 37°C to Fahrenheit

 F= (37O9/5)+32


Contraindication For   Taking Temperature  by mouth /Oral :

1.   Patient who is extremely nervous delirious , unconscious, hysterical or mentally confused. Or the patient one who cannot follow the instruction.

2.   Patient who is a mouth breather.

3.   Patient with convulsions

4.   Patient with mouth  injuries

5.   Patient with upper respiratory tract infection /problems.

6.   Children below six

7.   Mentally retarded

8.   Immediately after consuming hot or cold beverages.


Requisites for Taking Temperature :

   A tray containing.

·         Clean thermometers in one container (Jar or glass or bottle).

·         Three more container with 1:40 strength Dettol solution.

·         A container with soapy  swabs.

·         A container with wet cotton swabs.

·         A kidney tray with paper bag for soiled swabs.

·         Seconds watch .

·         Blue ball pen.

Guidelines for   Checking Temperature:

1.    The most appropriate site for measuring temperature is assessed according to each patient.

2.   All necessary equipment is assembled to ensure an uninterrupted procedure.

3.   Wash hands to prevent spread of infection.

4.   Maintain privacy

5.   Explain the purpose and procedure to the patient before checking to gain the confidence.



Procedure for checking oral/ mouth Temperature

Sl No

Steps of Procedure



 Place patient in a comfortable position

 To ensure comfort, and accuracy of temperature reading.


Assemble all the required equipment

To save time and energy.


Explain purpose and procedure.

To gain cooperation and confidence.


Wash hands before  and after procedure.

To reduce transmission of micro organisms.


Check whether the patient had any hot or cold drinks or chewed betel leaves.

If the patient gives anything wait for 15minutes as it gives false readings.


Hold the thermometer with the finger tips. At the end of stem of the thermometer

To reduce the contamination of the bulb


Read the mercury level while holding it at the eye level.

To have accurate reading (mercury level to be below the normal level).


Before placing the thermometer in the mouth of the patient rinse with cold water.(Use of hot water breaks the thermometer).

To remove solution irritating to oral mucosa


Ask the patient to open the mouth, and gently place the thermometer under tongue in posterior or sublingual pocket ,later to the center of the  lower jaw

Heat from blood vessels in sublingual pocket produces temperature reading .


Ask the patient to hold thermometer under tongue with lips closed. Cation to be against biting it

To ensure safety. Breaking of thermometer causes mercury poisoning.


Leave the thermometer inside for 2-3 min.

To allow time for expansion mercury.


Never leave the patient alone with the thermometer in the mouth.

The patient may break and cause mercurial poisoning.


Carefully remove the thermometer and read at eye level.

To ensure accuracy .


Wipe the thermometer with wet cotton swab. Wipe in rotating fashion from fingers ,towards bulb.

From the least area of contamination to the most contaminated area .


Never hold the thermometer by touching the bulb.

The heat from the nurses hand cause expansion of the mercury level.


Wash the thermometer in cold water ,dry and put it ,after disinfection ,in storage container

To prevent infection.


Use separate thermometers to patients suffering with infectious diseases.

To prevent from spread of infectious diseases


Replace the articles after cleaning .

For easy availability of next use.


Record the temperature in the TPR chart.

To detect increase of temperature if any .


Report any unusual variation to the physician.

To take necessary action.


2.Checking Temperature by Rectal Method  : 

Purpose :

1.      To determine body temperature for infants, young children , adult  unconscious patient &postoperative patient.

2.      To aid in making diagnosis.

 Requisites :

1.   Rectal clinical Thermometer  .

2.   Swab in a container. 

3.   Tissue paper.

4.   Lubricant or jelly.

5.   Disposable gloves.

6.   Kidney tray with paper bag.

7.   A blue pen.

8.   Seconds watch.

9.   TPR Graph chart.

Guidelines for checking rectal Temperature  :

1.   Thermometer must be disinfected in a proper disinfectant to prevent transmission of micro –organisms .

2.   Before  checking the temperature wipe the thermometer from bulb to stem, to keep the bulb clean

3.   After taking temperature ,wipe the thermometer from the tem to the bulb ,to avoid contamination ,to fingers of the nurse, with faeces

4.   Use separate thermometer for patients suffering from infectious diseases .

5.   Lubricate the bulb of the rectal thermometer before placing the thermometer in the rectum.



Sl no

Steps of procedure



Place the patient in side lying position screen the patient

To maintain privacy and proper exposure. To insert the thermometer .


Explain the procedure to the attainders.

To prevent from fear.


Wash Hands .

To prevent from spread of micro –organisms


Wear gloves & clean the buttocks.

To prevent from infection .


Lubricate the bulb of the thermos meter with Vaseline. Separate buttocks and insert the thermometer about 1 ½  inches 3.5 cm into the rectum. Keep it in position for 5 minutes.

To insert  the thermometer with ease.


Remove the thermometer from the rectum wipe it clean cotton swabs.

To remove the faecal  matter and clean the Vaseline.


Read the level of mercury at the eye level.

To record the temperature   accurately.


Place the patient in a comfortable position.

To ensure  safety .



Wash hands

To prevent from infection.


Record in the TPR chart.

To avoid chance of forgetting the exact reding


Replace the articles after use.

For easy next use.


3.      Checking Temperature    by Axillary method :

Purpose :

1.      To determine the body temperature of the patient when oral and rectal methods are contraindicated.

2.      To aid  in making diagnosis.



1.      Oral  clinical Thermometer.

2.      Swab in a container.

3.      Kidney tray with paper bag.

4.      Watch the seconds .

5.      T P R Graph chart.

6.      Blue ball pen.



Sl no

Steps of procedure



Bring all the requisites at the bedside

For easy availability


Screen bed

To maintain privacy.


Make the patient lie in supine position or in sitting position.

To provide easy access to axilla.


Move the clothing’s away from the axilla.

For easy exposure of axilla


Wash hands.

To reduce transmission of micro –organism.


Hold the stem of the glass thermometer with  finger tips .

To reduce contamination of bulb end.


Rinse the thermometer in cold water if it is in a disinfectant solution .

To remove


Read the mercury level while holding thermometer at eye level and gently rotating it.

Thermometer reading must be below normal body temperature.


Dry the axilla.

To prevent moisture altering the skin temperature.


Insert thermometer into the center of axilla, lower arm over thermometer and place it across patients chest.

Maintains proper position.


Hold the thermometer for 5 minutes in the axilla.

To ensure accuracy of reading .


Remove the thermometer &clean it with et swab from finger towards bulb .dispose the swab in paper bag.

To avoid contact with micro –Organisms.


Read thermometer at eye level.

To ensure accuracy of reading.


Record the riding in the TPR graph chart.

To prevent from forgetting and false riding.


Assist patient in putting on clothes.

To ensure comfort.


Wash hands, clean article and replace.

To prevent from transmission of information and easy accessible when  next used.

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