What is Medical asepsis (Hand wash) and its importance . hand wash will helps to maintain the personal hygiene .



Medical asepsis refers to all practices used to protect the clients and his environment from the transmission of disease producing organisms (prevention of cross infection).


An article is considered to be clean when it is free from pathogenic organisms. The following steps should be considered while cleaning the articles.

1.      Rinse the articles first with cold water to remove the organic material. Hot water coagulates the organic matter and tends to make it stick to the article .

2.      Then wash the articles in hot water and soap. Soap has an emulsifying  action as it reduces surface tension which facilitates the removal of dirt. Rinising with water assists in washing the dirt away.

3.      Use an abrasive such as a stiff bristled brush and a paste or powder to wash the articles. brush will help to remove the dirt from the grooves and corners.

4.      Rinse the article with clean water.

5.      Dry them with a towel. There is less chance for the bacteria and dirt to lodge on the cleaned articles when it is dry.

6.      Disinfect  or sterilize if indicated .


  The infection can be transferred from person to person through contaminated hands. Careful washing of the hands reduces the number of bacteria. Hand washing involves both mechanical and chemical action. The running water and friction used in cleaning are the mechanical action of cleaning. The soap will emulsify the fat and lower the surface tension of water, facilitates the removal of micro-organisms, dirt and oils.


1.      Cut short nails . a  long nail will give roof to the dirt and micro-organisms.

2.      Remove the jewelry of any type. Open the tap and wet hands and forearm. Always hold the hands below the elbow level, because hands are considered to be more contaminated then the elbows, hence the water should flow from the area of at least contamination (the elbows) to the area of more contamination (the hands).

3.      Apply soap or detergent . rinse the soap before it is returned to the container.

4.      Wash hands thoroughly . make sure that the interdigital spaces are well cleaned by washing each finger separately. Use brush to dislodge the dirt from under the nail beds.

5.      Rinse hands by keeping the hands well below the elbow level. The water flows from the elbow to the hands.

6.      Repeat the procedure (application of soap and rinsing with water) to ensure through  cleanliness.

7.      Dry the arms and hands, starting at the elbows and working towards the hands. Discard the towel.

8.      Turn off the water tap using a paper towel because the handle is contaminated. While washing ,if the hands touch the sink or other objects accidently, the whole procedure needs to be repeated. Disinfection of hands with a mild antiseptic lotion is unnecessary.


 In surgical asepsis practice, the hands should be thoroughly cleansed for about 3 to 5 minutes.(in operating room, hands are scrubbed upto ten minutes ).  When washing hands, they  are held above the level of the elbows (in surgical asepsis, the elbows are considered more  contaminated than the hands). The water should run from least contaminated area (hands) to the area of greatest contamination (elbows). It is important to put soap well and scrub with a brush and rinse thoroughly with water several times. A sterile towel is used to wipe the hands and arms, starting from the palms to the elbows. Prior to surgical scrubs, it will be necessary to put on the head caps and masks.


Masks are generally used to prevent the spread of micro-organisms to and from the client, through the respiratory tract. Masks should be worn only once and then discarded to ensure effective filtering of micro- organisms . masks that become wet are less effective and should be discarded . it is  desired that the masks should be worn not more than 1 to 2 hours at a time . the mask is not worn outside the unit. Masks need to cover both mouth and nose , and fit snugly around the face to prevent the escape of micro-organisms around the sides. There should be minimum layers of cloth for  the effective filtration of air.


1.      Wash hands.

2.      Remove the clean mask from the container with sterile forceps (the mask should be sterilized and kept for the use).

3.      Hold the mask by its strings. Fit it to the face and tie the strings at the back of the head. Do not touch the mask  that covers the face. It is important that both mouth and nose must be covered.


1.      Wash hands

2.      Remove the gown (if worn).

3.      Remove the mask and discard it in the container for ‘used masks’.

4.      Wash hands thoroughly.

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