1.       INTRODUCTION :  it is a common passage for both air & food. It is a muscular tube lined by mucus membrane.

2.       SITUATION : situated at the base of the skull to the level of sixth cervical vertebra.

3.       MEASUREMENT :  about  12 cm

4.       STRUCTURE :

The pharynx is divided into three parts:
1.       Nasopharynx
2.       Oropharynx
3.       Laryngopharynx

Ø  It lies behind the nose above the level of soft palate.
Ø  The lateral wall contains opening of pharygotympanic tube (auditory tube), which leads to the middle ear.
Ø  On the posterior wall is the pharyngeal tonsil.
Ø  It is well developed in children  & small or absent in adults.
Ø  An enlarged pharyngeal tonsil is called adenoids.
Ø  It lies behind the mouth below the level of soft palate.
Ø  It contains the palatine tonsils on its lateral wall.
Ø  It extends from the  oropharynx  & continue as esophagus below.
The wall of pharynx is formed by mainly three pairs of constrictive muscles.
·         Superior constrictor
·         Middle constrictor
·         Inferior constrictor
5.       BLOOD SUPPLY :
ARTERIAL SUPPLY : branches of external carotid , facial & maxillary arteries.
VENOUS DRAINAGE : internal jugular and facial vein .
6.       NERVE SUPPLY :
Pharynx  is supplied by pharyngeal plexus of nerves formed by branch of vagus,  branch of glossopharyngeal nerve & branches of superior cervical sympathetic ganglion.
Ø  Pharyngitis – inflammation of pharynx
Ø  Tonsillitis : inflammation of tonsils.
8.       FUNCTIONS :
v  It act as passage for both air and food.
v  It play and important role in hearing.
v  The palatine tonsil & pharyngeal tonsil protects the body from microorganism.

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