Dyspepsia-Etiology-clinical features-psychiatric disorders





1.      Any severe general illness.

2.      Any disease of the stomach.

3.      Mental tension or anxiety.

 clinical features


1.      Pain

·         Epigastric.

·         Its intensity is variable.

·         It starts after eating oily, spicy, hot food.

2.      Nausea and vomiting: These are seen when the cause is disease of the stomach. Vomiting relieves abdominal pain.

3.      Loss of appetite: it is seen in a number of disorders. Long standing loss of weight are seen in cancer of the stomach.

4.      Flatulence: It is due to trapping of gas in the stomach and intestine. The gas is expelled as burping and/or flatus.

5.      Constipation: It may be seen alternating with diarrhea.

6.      Heartburn: There is retrosternal burning sensation. It is often associated with sour regurgitations.

7.      Water brash: There is excessive salivation.




    Vomiting is a symptom which can be due to a large number of causes. Hence it is necessary to understand what causes vomiting and how it takes place.




1.      There is a powerful contraction of the muscles of the stomach, abdomen, and diaphragm.

2.       There is sudden enlargement of the cardiac opening at the same time.

3.      That results in expulsion of the stomach contents.

4.      The process of vomiting is controlled by the vomiting centre in the medulla oblongata.











Causes of vomiting


   Cause                                                                 Examples


 Local reflex                            *stimulation of the pharynx or fauces by tickling with a finger.


  Diseases of stomach              *Gastritis.

                                                    *Pyloric stenosis.


Abdominal colic                       * Renal colic .

                                                           *Biliary colic.

                                                       *Intestinal colic.


Diseases of intestine                  *Intestinal obstruction.

                                                         *Paralytic ileus.


Diseases of appendix                  *Acute appendicitis.


Diseases of peritoneum              *Acute peritonitis.


Drugs                                           *Concentrated saline.




                                                              *Anticancer chemotherapy.


Increase in

Intracranial tension                           *Intracranial tumours.

                                                               *Intracranial haemorrhage.

                                                               *Motion sickness.

Stimulation of

Vestibule of the ear                              *meniere’s diseases.





1.      The vomiting is forceful and large in diseases of stomach.

2.      Pain of peptic ulcer is relieved by vomiting.

3.      The previous day’s food is vomited in pyloric stenosis.

4.      The colour of vomit is coffee ground in cancer of the stomach due to admixture with altered blood.

5.      Haematemesis is seen in portal hypertension due to oesophageal varices.

6.      Very forceful and very large vomit is seen in acute dilation of the stomach.

7.      In appendicitis the sequence of events is pain, vomiting, and fever.

8.      In intestinal obstruction the vomiting is persistent and has faecal odour.

9.      Vomiting due to raised intracranial tension is forceful and is associated with severe headache.




1.      Excessive vomiting is associated with loss of a lot fluid from the body, which causes dehydration.

2.      There is loss of acid and chlorides, which causes hypochloremic alkalosis.

3.      There may be tetany.

4.      Excessive dehydration may cause shock.

5.      The patient may go into acute renal failure.




Acute Gastritis


                    It is a condition characterized  by an acute inflammation of the stomach.




1.      Excessive ingestion of alcohol.

2.      Excessive ingestion of food

3.      Ingestion of rotten meat, food, fruit.

4.      Food poisoning.

5.      Ingestion of any poison.

6.      Drugs: nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

7.      Viral infection.





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